Queen’s Head, Meriden

Queen's Head, Meriden


Wednesday, March 5, 2025    
10:00 am

Event Type

Leader: Aileen
Meeting Point & Starting Point:  The Queen’s Head Pub, Meriden.  CV7 7JP.
Start Time: 10.00am, Wednesday 5th March
Distance: 5.15 miles
Description:  Mainly field path walking and short sections of road.  Quite muddy in places and hopefully if we don’t get any wet weather before Weds 5th, it may have dried out slightly!
Lunch: We will need to pre order our food the day before for those wishing to stay for lunch, so could everyone please let me have their order and I can telephone them on the Tuesday.
Menu attached.
Please indicate if attending in the usual way using Pollez via the link below.

Booking link for PollsEZ: https://pollsez.com/p/a6va83c6

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