Leader: Robert
Meet: 9 45am for a 10am start at the Greswolde Arms Car Park which is in the road going off Knowle High Street next to the Greswolde Arms. Your car number plate needs to be entered in the machine just inside the door of the Greswolde Arms.
Distance: 5.2 miles – this may be adjusted slightly depending on the weather conditions between now and then.
Terrain: Fairly gentle, some canal row paths but mainly paths and lanes. There are three or four stiles, none of which is problematic.
Lunch: For those wanting to stay for lunch, a table will be reserved in the Greswolde Arms for 12 45. The menu can be seen online.
Let us know if you will join the walk and/or stay for lunch in the usual way on the Polls EZ link below.
Booking link for PollsEZ: https://pollsez.com/p/a6pv5ebe